Jess Gaertner

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SSBS #006: The final piece of the skincare puzzle is yours.

There is no difference between a day and night time moisturizer.

A moisturizer is a moisturizer is a moisturizer.  Pick a cream, or lotion, or gel, or whatever screams HYDRATION off the shelf, slap it on and you’re good to go.  All a moisturizer does is serve as the final step of your four step regimen, and basically keeps your skin from getting and feeling dry. It is the bare minimum product required to make sure your skin looks and feels somewhat healthy.

But actually, the idea that a moisturizer is basic and simple is all wrong.  We’re missing out on SO MANY POWERFUL INGREDIENTS if we don’t understand that this is a crucial and final step of our four step regimen that is worthy of intentional use!

If you’re not picking the right moisturizers for both day and night, you’re missing out on a key step for glowing skin.

If you simply choose one moisturizer marketed for day use, you’re missing out on a powerful chance to assist your skin at night in repairing itself, regenerating, and restoring from the stresses of the day.

Let me explain, there are many wonderful, positive, and skin boosting positives of finding and using the right daytime moisturizer (think locking in hydration and nutrients, and protecting our skin from environmental assault like sun, wind, pollution etc.). For example, in the past, I’ve always only ever used a daytime moisturizer for both day and night use. And while, YAY ME for even doing that step in the first place, what I found is that I would wake up with my skin still feeling like it needed MORE. More moisture, more nutrients, more everything. 

Turns out I was missing a powerful opportunity at night to REALLY add both hydration and active ingredients to my skin.  And that’s where I was missing out big time.

What we should be doing is being super intentional about finding the right moisturizer for our skin type, and then using both the day and night time versions for optimal skin health.

The good news is, if you’ve been following along with the last few emails, you already know what to do next - you’re already there!

Before I go, let’s chat a bit more in depth about day versus night time moisturizers and why this is so important.

Tip #1: Don’t skip a moisturizer or protect step in general

Just know that using any moisturizer as the final piece to your skincare 4 step routine is of paramount importance! Most moisturizers are crucial when it comes to hydrating and softening the skin, preventing water loss through the outer skin layer, and strengthening your skin’s moisture barrier.  All super important things.

Tip #2: Know that a daytime moisturizer is going to focus on PROTECTION.

A good daytime moisturizer is designed to not only hydrate, but protect the skin from daytime agressors, free radical damage, and sun damage all without increasing your skin’s sensitivity to light.  This product can and should be all about preventing signs of damage and aging. 

Tip #3: Know that a night time moisturizer is going to focus on REPAIRING.

At night is when the real magic happens with your skin! Like most other organs in your body, nighttime is when your skin is repairing itself, regenerating, and restoring from the stresses of the day. We’re also typically immobile at night, so it’s the perfect time to use a moisturizer that not only replenishes hydration, but can deliver slow absorbing, powerful active ingredients safely. The nighttime is the right time to help your skin HEAL and repair from the damage of the day.

Failing to find the right products for your skin type, and ignoring the fact that there are technically TWO moisturizer options that will seal the deal for your skin health is the fastest way to miss out on powerful skincare ingredients and skin change.

There’s a better way, and you’re already doing it!  You’ve come this far, and now that you know your skin type, know your skin concerns, and understand how to choose the right products for your four step day and night time routine, YOU’RE GOLDEN BABY. Your skin is well on its way to glowing goddess status.

If you’re still unsure about what safer moisturizers might work for you, don’t worry, I’ve created a simple illustration below to help you seal the deal! I’ve got you.

What a big day for us friend! We’ve successfully tackled the FOUR basic steps to a skincare routine and laid the foundation for healthy skin for the rest of your life.  What we’re going to tackle from here on out is all the rest!  Prepare yourself for some really good topics hitting your inbox in the next few months! 

If you want to dive EVEN DEEPER into the protect or moisturize step and safer options available to you, you can peruse my dedicated blog post all about the protect step for more information. 

If you still have questions, need to fit a specific budget,or prefer a different brand, hit REPLY here and I’m happy to help find other options for you!


  • The fourth and final step to our skincare routine is a moisturizer (protect step)

  • You actually need both a day and night time moisturizer

  • Day and night time moisturizers do two different and much needed things

  • Find the right moisturizers for your skin needs

See you again next week friend. We’re switching gears and we’ll be chatting all about cold weather skincare transitions! YES, this means, when the weather changes, you might need to switch up your skincare too!

Whenever you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help you:

  1. See what safer skincare line fits your skin type best

  2. Check out the release of the limited edition fall/winter safer beauty sets

  3. Follow me on social for quick skin tips

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